
Why Does My Dog Eat Grass? Dog Expert in Northern Virginia!

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass

If you are a dog owner, chances are that you have noticed your dog munching on grass a number of times. This is generally nothing to be concerned over. Our dogs’ wild ancestors were scavengers; they would get vegetation if they couldn’t find any meat.

Owners often forget that our dogs are omnivores, and they can crave a variety of food choices. Even if their dog food is high quality, dogs can still have a desire to eat greens. It’s also possible for your dog to crave other green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Here are some other common reasons why dogs may eat grass.

Upset Stomachs
Many dog owners have noted that their dogs will vomit after eating grass. So, they assume the grass made them sick. Vets generally will disagree with this. They believe dogs eat grass when their stomach is upset.

Researchers believe that when dogs have an upset stomach, they eat grass quickly. The grass tickles the dog’s stomach and causes them to quickly vomit. So, it is believed that dogs instinctually gobble down grass in order to make themselves vomit to relieve their stomach.

When your dog eats grass slowly, it is generally just a sign that your dog enjoys the taste of grass. Healthy dogs know to eat grass differently so they won’t vomit it back up.

Lack of Fiber
Although researchers aren’t positive yet, it’s believed that dogs will eat grass if their diet is lacking in enough fiber. If your dog frequently eats grass, it may be a sign that they need a higher quality dog food. If your budget can’t stretch, try adding raw and cooked greens to their diet. Cook the veggies in chicken stock to make them more appealing to your dog.

Unless your lawn has recently been treated with chemical fertilizers or herbicides, there is little reason to be concerned. Eating grass is a totally normal activity for your dog.

If you have any dog questions, contact us at info@offleashk9training.com.

Nick White
Off Leash K9 Training



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